How to support

How to support

I brought this website into existence in a simpler form on 1 February 2017 with the goal of continuing and expanding on the writing about London I had been doing elsewhere since the 2008 election for Mayor.

Since then, boosted by an epic five-week crowdfunding campaign I launched on its first birthday, On London has kept going and growing, adding to the sum of high-quality journalism about the UK capital and carving out a small but unique and influential space for serious news, analysis and commentary about a city that is, all at the same time, truly fantastic, deeply troubled, frequently misrepresented and often misunderstood.

On London strives to reflect all of that and also to illuminate the key themes and issues, providing an antidote to the harmful populism that is infecting too much of British life, including its media. It is a very big job for a very small organisation. I run all aspects of On London from one room in my home in Hackney and rely heavily on a marvellous group of fellow writers to provide their own insights and expertise.

I don’t want any other day job. But doing it takes up a great deal of time and also requires money, not least in order to pay those contributors to the site who rely on writing to make a living, and also to enable me to pay my share of the household bills as well as those of the company.

The great majority of On London‘s income comes from individual supporters who pay £5 a month or £50 a year and receive in return three things:

  • My big, bouncy Friday morning newsletter On London Extra which looks back at the London week about to end with a mixture of opinion, information and as much fun as can decently be had.
  • My Tuesday morning newsletter On London Latest, which rounds up all new On London output since the previous Tuesday, complete with any updates and other pressing news.
  • Offers of free tickets to top London events, some of them put on by me alone, some in partnership with others, notably The London Society (of which I am a trustee).
  • My undying gratitude.

There are, of course, many other media organisations and individual journalists seeking your financial support. All I can say is that there really is no other website like On London, and everyone who writes for it cares deeply for the city it documents.

If you aren’t already a supporter, you have a choice of three ways of becoming one:

  • By paying a recurring £5 a month or a one-time £50 a year using any “donate” button on the website itself. You will be added to my Mailchimp mailing list for On London Extra and also get a bespoke version of the little Tuesday morning round-up of recent On London output I call On London Latest.
  • By becoming a paying subscriber to my personal Substack, where I republish some of my On London articles and Substack sends them by email. On London Extra and the supporters’ version On London Latest are delivered to paying subscribers. All income from my Substack helps to fund On London. The fee is that very same £5 a month or £50 a year.
  • By asking me for my media empire’s bank account details and then paying directly by bank transfer. You will be added to the Mailchimp list. Contact me through

If there’s anything else you need to know just ask.

Many thanks. Dave Hill (Founder, publisher and editor).

Categories: Culture

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